What lies behind us and what lies before us
are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
As parents the challenge is knowing how to help. At a time when young people are seeking greater and greater independence knowing when to get involved or take action is really hard.

- Are you worried about your child/teenager and their sense of value or self-esteem?
- Have they shut you out, or are they withdrawing or isolating?
- Have some things changed significantly like school performance, activities or friends?

Thankfully, I was lucky enough through all of this to have been introduced to the Prime Potential program, which I found completely and whole-heartedly life changing. Coming into the program, I didn’t know what to expect. I was anxious, and extremely pessimistic about the idea of talking about my feelings in hopes of getting better. The hardest thing for me was talking about myself, to who was at first a stranger in my life. The Prime Potential program I soon realized was a crazy amazing program that would change my headspace forever. It’s been awesome to see myself change and evolve into the person I am today, in opposition to my younger self that had silently accepted a sense of self that was not my own. Changes didn’t happen over night, but sometimes realizing you want to change, and want to get better, is the best thing you can do for yourself.