How to Navigate Transitions – Part 4

In this episode, Lynn Sumida brings her conversation about Navigating Transitions to a close. We hope that you’ve enjoyed this series, and we’d love to hear from you about some of the things you’d like us to cover in the future. Leave a comment...

How to Navigate Transitions – Part 3

In this week’s episode, Lynn continues her conversation about transitions, how they effect us, and how we can navigate them well. Transition is really the internal process of coming to terms with change. William Bridges, authorĀ  of Managing Transitions: Making...

How to Navigate Transitions – Part 2

In this week’s episode, I continue our conversation about transitions. What does it take to transition well? Transition is really the internal process of coming to terms with change. William Bridges, authorĀ  of Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change...

Where Are You in Transition?

As we begin the New Year, we wanted to tackle the issue of transitions. We all find ourselves mid-transition many time throughout our lives… sometime they’re expected and welcome transitions, and sometimes they’re sudden and we really wished they...