Missing the Boat – How You Handle Transitions

Since launching my new website I have been introducing it and the eight main issues people often ask about. Today I am focusing on the issue of Transitions and how to navigate them well. As I say in my website video (click here to view the video) transitions come in...

Eliminating Anxiety and Depression

When we think of Anxiety and Depression they seem very different. Anxiety often involves a lot of energy running through the system, sometimes almost unstoppable. There is an intensity as if everything is magnified. Depression, on the other hand, profiles as a lack of...

Supporting Youth

Today I am focusing on Youth and my deep commitment to helping them know who they really are and feel confident in being themselves. I’ve known for a long time that who we are is not the “data” about us. In fact the data is often extremely...

A Fall from Grace – Part 3

I’ve told my story fairly frequently…how, although I’ve always known that I was gay, I didn’t come out until I was in my late thirties. For many years I tried not  to be gay, because the world that I lived in (the world of conservative...