
During the month of April, our focus was on the brain, and how we can impact the way it functions by our conscious focus and attention. Last time, Lynn talked about how accidents and mishaps are often indicators of “internal misalignment.” You know what that is… it’s when we zone out or allow ourselves to become consumed with something “out there,” and delegate the running of our lives to the internal autopilot, rather than staying conscious, awake and divinely decisive in the present moment.

So how do we exercise more consistent control and get ourselves to where we want to go?

One of the most powerful ways is to begin to use intention as a strategic method of creating the life that we truly want.

It’s important for us to stop for a minute though, and answer some important questions.

What is intention?

Simply stated, intention is a conscious choice. The good folks over at define “intention” as an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result; the end or object intended; purpose.

While this definition is accurate in the general use of the word, it’s missing a nuance that’s very important in our context.

Intention as we’re talking about it is more than just figuring out where you want to go, or what you want to do. It’s more than a to-do list, or perfectly completely goals sheet. It’s not about vision in terms of the thing we want to create. It’s more than a method toward accomplishing something (as much as we all want to accomplish stuff)… it’s really about WHO we want to be, and the WAY we want to SHOW UP in life. It’s that age-old exercise in being versus doing.

Intention used in this way is an opportunity for us to define the way that we want to live, be and move through the experience of our lives. When we use intention in this way, we make a choice as to how we’re going to show up. It’s choosing to BE and MOVE and ACT with grace, love, compassion, inspiration, open-heartedness, confidence, and awareness. It’s all these things, and so many more. The list can go on and on, and be filled with all the “being” words you can come up with.

An Important Realization

One of the really important things to keep in mind about intention, though, is that it can only ever apply to ourselves personally. It’s important to remember that we don’t control how other people act, react, perform or show up in life. We can’t hold an intention for anyone but ourselves.

As an example, imagine that you’re not having such a great time with your kids when it comes to getting their homework done (if you’re not a parent, then imagine for a moment that you are). You can’t have an intention that “my child will cheerfully and willingly complete their homework on time every day.” That might be a desire, a wish (maybe even a pipe-dream, depending on how things are around your house), but it’s can’t be an intention… because it’s about them, and not about you.

In our example, your intention could look like this… “In interacting with my child around homework, I am clear, respectful, encouraging and loving. I am responsible in establishing boundaries and expectations, and I maintain them with love and grace.” That’s something you can do! You have complete choice and control over the way you show up in this situation. And the really cool thing is… when elevate your game and show up in greater and greater ways… the game begins to change. The shift in your energy alone is often all it takes to shift the situation—not because you’ve forced a change, but because you’ve transformed the energy of it through your own internal shifts brought about by holding a new intention.

Pretty cool, huh?

Shouting “YES” to life!

Lynn and I were recently talking with a group of people about “paradigms.” A paradigm is a framework through which we perceive and encounter life. The reality is that we’re all operating from a paradigm all the time, every day, every moment. So, it’s not IF… it’s really WHAT. What is your paradigm? What’s the framework through which you’re viewing life… and experiencing life.

If you find yourself stuck in a paradigm that isn’t really much fun, in which you’re stressed and cranky too much of the time… where life just isn’t working out in the way that you’d like it to… would you consider for a moment that perhaps you could shift that through the power of intention?

In his book entitled, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way, Dr. Wayne Dyer includes a lovely little poem from the Persian poet, Hafiz.

I rarely let the word No escape
From my mouth
Because it is so plain to my soul
That God has shouted, Yes! Yes! Yes!
To every luminous movement in Existence


If things aren’t going quite the way you want them to, how would it shift the energy of everything if you adopted by intention a “YES” paradigm? The intention might sound something like this… “Regardless of what goes on around me, I choose in every moment to be aware of, and open to the boundless opportunities to find joy, fulfillment and wisdom in everything that crosses my path or enters my sphere of experience.”

As a side note, remember the Universal Law… “that which we resist, persists.” Enough said. Being forewarned is forearmed.

So Here’s Where IT Begins

It all starts with a decision… what we want to experience. How do we want life to feel as we live it? What are the emotions we want to experience? Love? Intend to show up radiating love. Contentment? Intend to be content in every situation. Abundance? Intend to find wealth at every turn, and to be abundantly generous in every way you can, because you know that there’s always more than enough for everyone.

The choice, or decision is the starting point. It’s the WHAT. Then move it into intention. That’s the BEING of it.

The Choice Is Yours

So what do you want more of? What would truly be helpful to support you moving through a challenging time or relationship? How do you want to feel and “BE”?

Decide what  you want… intend that you will show up in a way which will support you experiencing what you want… and see how the Universe responds. (Think: Law of Attraction!)

I think you might be very pleasantly surprised!

I am filled with love for you, and hold the expectation that you will receive every good thing which you truly intend.

Coming Up Next…

Next week we’re going to hear from a guy who’s been writing out his intentions daily… for decades! He’s going to share with us the huge impact it’s had on his life. Stay tuned….


Paul JohnsonPaul Johnson works with Lynn Sumida at miruspoint Facilitators Inc., and considers the day he was asked to join Lynn a day in which he received a great gift—the opportunity to be involved in work which offers significant life change for individuals, and by its impact, on communities and the world at large. Paul is a gifted presenter and facilitator, and brings a rich and diverse background, ranging from spirituality and counseling to business and management, allowing Paul to contribute to the expanding vision of their work. With experience in sales and marketing, project and asset management, and strategic planning, Paul’s influence has been felt in program and materials development, and in client work, both one-on-one and in workshops.

As Paul and Lynn look toward the future, their desire is to see the impact of Prime Potential, Success Beyond Beliefs and all of their programs continue to expand and flourish, both in terms of geography and impact.

Paul is a Certified Prime Potential Facilitator, and Certified Hypnotist (Clinical).