The Care and Feeding of Your Brain – Part 1

This is the first of three parts of a conversation that Lynn Sumida and Preet Marwaha recently had about the Care and Feeding of Your Brain. It comes down to some simple, logical pieces. It’s not brain surgery… but it IS brain science! Check it out…...

Brain Changes

Throughout the month of November we’re going to talk about the Brain, and more specifically about how we can take decisive action to influence the way it changes and grows. In this first episode, Lynn Sumida talks about the fascinating discoveries that have come...

Happy Halloween! Creativity in Action

Over the past few months, we’ve looked at creativity from a number of perspectives… what it is, how we nurture it, the muse which inspires it… this week, we just wanted to have some fun and share with you the results of creativity — Halloween style!...

Return from Australia

In this week’s blog, I review my trip to Australia and some of the wonderful learning opportunities that I encountered while I was there. It was a great time, not only to be leading, facilitating and training, but also to be connected and taking in all that this...

Thanksgiving…More than Just Turkey!

This is the weekend we here in Canada will celebrate Thanksgiving. We do this a few weeks earlier than our American cousins. But that’s just the way we work… just a few steps ahead most of the time. (Okay, that’s my one and only jab. You smiled,...

Headlong into a Right-Brained Future?

We’ve covered a lot of ground on this journey with Daniel Pink, and I think it’s good to pause and reflect for a moment. Reflect not only on what we’ve learned, but also on how we’re going to respond. If it’s true that things are...

It’s All About Meaning

In Pink’s final chapter of  A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future, his thoughts culminate with a discussion of meaning. Meaning is something that I’ve wrestled with a lot, and it seems that I’m not alone. In the progression into...

Greetings from Australia

Welcome from Australia! During the month of September, I’ve been traveling in Australia teaching Choice Theory, Reality Therapy and Lead Management. Over the years, I have spent considerable time here on behalf of the William Glasser Institute, and it’s...

It’s Time to Play!

I have to tell you… reading what Pink has to say about play was a bit unsettling… a bit vindicating… and a bit “this really makes sense!” Over the past number of weeks, Lynn’s been talking about the ideas that Daniel Pink discusses...

Why Empathy Matters

The Art Journey by Bill Chalmers… The Water Shed Arts Café is pleased to present The Art Journey exhibit, September 1 to October 3 that explores spirituality in the creation of art by Burnaby artist Bill Chalmers. Mentored by well-known California mandala artist...