As much as TV has taken the “makeover” concept to an extreme, there is a powerful truth contained within the concept of these programs. They’re all built on the premise that we can change… sometimes starting with the outside, shift that and have that outside change help us to shift internally. The opposite is also true… and in the case of our work has become our focus, and that is to make the internal shifts which helps us to shift on the outside as well.
So what is an inside makeover? Dr. Barnes Boffey, who is a brilliant, caring colleague of mine (as well as a recovering alcoholic) introduced the concept of Re-inventing Yourself. What Barnes identified was that in addiction, every area of a person’s life is affected, and to shift out of addiction meant a total life-change was necessary. Addiction impacts who a person hangs out with, how they relax, and how they code “having fun,” and how they meet their psychological needs. This means that the whole way they hold themselves is key, and needs to be re-examined in order to allow a person to move into recovery in a powerful way.
Speaking of addiction… it can take many forms. Even the way that we use our mind and thoughts can take addictive patterns… patterns of worry, doubt, or anxiety. If those are addictions, you can also see how they can affect every part of your life experience.
Most of us do not have to hit rock bottom. Most of us don’t have to get to the point where everything has to change. In some ways, that makes it harder to believe you actually need to make large scale changes. So let’s look at what could help you realize you need to make some big changes.
The key to this is to consider what are you missing out on? How much fun, joy, energy, vitality, satisfaction, fulfillment, hear-warming love are you missing out on, by the way you are doing life? If not, there’s a lot more you could be stepping into. In business world, it’s often referred to as “leaving [something] on the table?” How much money, or how many opportunities are you missing out on, by the way you’re not showing up, or by not fully stepping forward?
These are powerful questions and I encourage you to think about them this week. Notice how you feel about the questions and your answers. Sometimes we experience “signals” that show up in the form of discomfort, avoidance, disdain, depression or anxiety. It can show up in the way we treat ourselves… or others. However it shows up, it’s a signal that your systems wants something to come into greater alignment. Your reactions will tell you a great deal.
So… are you interested in a little exercise to collect some data? You’ll find a link below to download an evaluation that you might take to see where you stand. Take a few moments, and see if there’s a discrepancy between how you “want” to feel… and how you’re actually feeling in the moment.
If there is a gap, it’s a signal to pay attention. How will you address this misalignment?
We’d like to offer one suggestion. We’ve scheduled SUCCESS BEYOND BELIEFS, which is a two-day workshop, Feb 28-Mar 1. The discrepancy between where you want to be and where you are is precisely what this program is designed to address.
If you’d like more information, CLICK HERE, or call us to find out more. We’d love to have you join us.
Let’s not let 2015 be just another year. Let’s create a year that really is memorable and look back on the year as one in which you really stepped into living the life you really want.