So what was my What the Bleep moment? Let me backtrack and set the context for it. I first realized I was not fully “healthy” when I began hemorrhaging, while en route to Bogota, Columbia to give a keynote address for Rochester School, which was celebrating its 50-year anniversary, and its dedication to quality education . My flight was from Vancouver to Houston, and Houston to Bogota. While in the Houston airport I suddenly started bleeding. Sorry to be so graphic but these are the facts. I soon discovered there are no first aid facilities in the Houston airport, and they take everyone by ambulance into Houston. No thanks! So I carried on to Bogota and went immediately to the hospital. The medical attention there was fantastic, and they assessed me, put me on a medication to control the bleeding, and recommended I get a full assessment once I was home.
At home, I had a full assessment which led to the decision to have a hysterectomy. One week prior to my surgery I was told to stop all medications, including the one to control the bleeding. Despite my protests the doctor remained adamant that I had to be off all medications for one week. So, on Monday I stopped taking my medication knowing that by Thursday it would be fully out of my system. Sure enough, Thursday night I was in the bathroom all night, and by Friday morning I was very distressed. I placed an urgent call to my homeopath, Jody. She called back with a homeopathic remedy for exactly the type of bleeding I was experiencing. Hooray! Well not so quick, she didn’t have the remedy, nor was she able to find any. My heart sank.
What she recommended instead was a “paper remedy”. (This is where it gets interesting). “Pardon me, but I don’t know what a paper remedy is.” Well she says, this is Dr. Emoto’s work in action. Don’t you believe in his work, she asks? Well, yes I do, but this is different, this is an emergency. Calmly she asks me to get a piece of paper, print the name of the remedy on the paper and the strength, and then get a clean glass jar and fill it with water. I numbly follow her instructions, wondering what the hectic is going on. Once the jar is full I put the lid on and then tap the jar, on the paper, 100 times. Yes you read that right. Now she instructs – drink 2 tablespoons full. I do as I am told and sit at the kitchen table wondering what to do next. Without realizing it, ½ hour passes and I suddenly realize I am still at the table, not in the washroom. Another hour goes by and I realize something has changed. This “water” has literally stopped the bleeding and it continued to work right up till the morning of surgery. A miracle!
So how did that work and maybe more importantly, why was I so surprised? I was surprised because I grew up with the beliefs system of “If I can’t see it, it doesn’t exist.” This is obviously very limited but honestly isn’t that how many people think? The field of homeopathic medicine operates on very different principles and is filled with amazing stories like this. One of the principles is what Dr. Emoto was studying – that words carry energy and that just printing words on paper and attaching them to jars of water would change the molecular structure of the water in the jar. Depending on the words written on the label, the water would form very different crystals when frozen. Water is a substance that can easily be influenced by different energies and so is particularly useful for studying these principles. For me, water changing into a healing substance was miraculous and the results were so dramatic.
I believe this experience was a gift to me so that I could grow beyond my current beliefs. Building on what I knew theoretically, this experience offered me the opportunity to incorporate this knowledge into a deep core knowing. There is no doubt in my mind now, that thoughts and words are incredibly powerful. If thoughts can change water into medicine, how much do they influence our lives?
Well I was about to have another “experience” to further enhance my growth. Three weeks after my hysterectomy the pathology report came back and the doctor phoned me at home to tell me the results. These results would determine what other treatment I might, or might not need. In typical doctor style the call was brief and to the point. He informed me that I would need chemotherapy and that in 3 weeks my hair would fall out and in 4 weeks I would be bald. They had drugs that would manage the nausea so I didn’t need to worry about that. In addition he said I needed 25 radiation treatments, every day for 5 weeks.
When I hung up the phone my heart was racing and it was quite surreal. The reality of the treatments suddenly hit home and my whole body shook. Then suddenly I heard a voice in my head say: “Lynn, you are exactly the same as you were 20 minutes ago, come back to who you really are!”. This voice was as clear as a person speaking, but I was all alone. Suddenly I felt totally calm and at peace. It was like I landed on firm solid ground and I realized that this experience with cancer was not who I am. My true identity hadn’t changed, and I could feel the solid foundation I had within myself. This foundation was the result of all the work I had done, to release the identity I grew up with. Like many people I started out basing my self-esteem on achievements, successes and failures and trying to be good enough, loved, and valued. This identity wasn’t solid, it couldn’t be, and I was caught in a pattern of constant striving. Even when I looked like I had it all together the truth was different.
This is why I believe we need to examine our identity and what we are basing it on. The next blog will be all about this. Dr. Joe Dispenza is one of the people whose work I am currently following. His own personal story of healing is nothing short of miraculous, and he has gone on to write and offer workshops to assist people in what he calls, “re-wiring your brain.” His latest book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself (what a great title!), is exactly what I want to write about in the next blog. Dr. Joe states in his latest book that it is imperative we stop the automatic program of “habitual thoughts” that keep us trapped in lives that are less vibrant, rewarding, and open to connection. Stay tuned for a different perspective on who you are, and what’s possible.
IILelNLove Love your posts! Am very interested in learning more ; – )
Thanks Donna and I look forward to sharing more. Please send me questions if you have any, as this really “fires” my creativity and seems to be the best way to open up the files in my brain. I often am surprised at all the knowledge that is stored in there.